Opening Price Range of Dhaulagiri Laghubitta?
Opening price range of Dhaulagiri Laghubitta is between Rs. 148.66 – Rs. 445.98 as per the financial report of fiscal year 2077/78. NEPSE will determine the opening price range based on the net worth per share. The net worth per share of the company is Rs. 148.66 and EPS is Rs. 46.44. Check the financial report of the Dhaulagiri laghubitta below.
What is Opening Price Range?
Opening price range is range of price range determined by the Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) after new company get listed. This price is for the first transaction after IPO issuance. The special pre-open session is opened at the 10:30 AM – 10:45 AM during trading days. The Trading days in Nepal is from Sunday to Friday. After the first transaction in special pre-open session,the regular trading will start in the continuous session i.e 11 AM – 3 PM.
Note : If there will not be first transaction of stock in the special pre-open session in the given price range, then there will be no transaction of such stock in the continuous session.
How to Know Opening Price Range?
The opening price range of any new IPO is determined by the NEPSE as per the net worth per share. The net worth per share is taken from the audited financial report of company. If net worth per share is Rs. 120, then the opening price range will be between Rs. 120 to Rs. 360.
Buyer can place order between these range and if any seller sells in the asked price the the rest of the transaction will be traded as per the first transaction.
Suppose if opening price range is Rs. 120 to Rs. 360 and buyer place the buy order as rs. 120 and a seller agree to sell on this price. Then the trading will start from Rs. 120.
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