How to Know Upcoming IPO in Nepal?

How to Know Upcoming IPO in Nepal

If you are in the stock market for a while then you probably waiting for the next IPO issue. Many new IPO investors do not know where to get the exact information of upcoming IPOs in Nepal. Well in this article we are going to tell you where you can exactly get the legit information of Upcoming IPOs in Nepal.

How to Know Upcoming IPO in Nepal

  1. Check SEBONs Official website
  2. Check Upcoming IPOs on Share Gyan’s website

1. Check SEBONs Official website

Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) is the main regulatory body of the capital market in Nepal. SEBON does all the approval, regulation, and inspection of the security market in Nepal. You can check the securities issues section on SEBON’s official website. You can check approved, pipelines IPO, approved, pipelines FPO, Right Share, Debenture, Mutual Fund, and conversion of promotor share in this section.

2. Check Upcoming IPOs on Share Gyan’s website

Another best option for knowing upcoming IPOs in Nepal is from the Share Gyan website. You can check the Upcoming IPO in Nepal section of the website. One of the main benefits of checking this website is being up to date with clear information. The information given on the website is easy to understand that even laymen can easily understand. Besides this, you can check Upcoming Right Share in Nepal, Upcoming FPO in Nepal on this website.

Don’t You Know About IPO?

If you do not know what IPO is then it stands for Initial Public Offerings. Through IPO, public companies can raise money from the general public. The company can use that money for the expansion of business and investors get returns according to their investment amount. You can know more about IPO in the following video by Share Gyan Youtube Channel.

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