Essay on Holi Festival
Hinduism is a religion widely found in South Asia and people who follow Hinduism celebrate many festivals. Holi is one of such big festivals in India and Nepal. Holi is a festival that is celebrated every year with great zeal and enthusiasm. It is a yearly festival that takes place on the day of the full moon of the Nepali month Falgun (February-March) and lasts for two days.
It is an exciting festival where people can relax and play with each other. Hindu people abroad also have been seen observing the Holi festival and other tourists and non-Hindus joining to enjoy Holi with the locals.
There is a legend that relates to the cause of the celebration of the Holi Festival. It is based on the story of King Hiranyakashap who had a son named Prahlad. His son was the greatest devotee of Lord Vishnu. Having hurt his father’s ego and arrogance, Hiranyakashap wanted to kill his son. Prahlad did not put his father as the greatest God so King Hiranyakashap was ready to sacrifice his own son. He called his sister Holika to dirty her hands.
Holika had a magical dress that was blessed by a God which was immune to fire. The king thought his sister would not be hurt by the fire due to her magical dress and his son would be burnt to death. But as his sister was in the fire, Prahlad was seen to be unharmed and Holika was burned to death. It was due to the blessing of Lord Vishnu that Prahlad was safe and sound. This is the reason why we celebrate Holi, to mark the victory of virtue and goodness.
For You: Essay on my country Nepal
Holi is the festival of colors. People play with various colors and apply them to their relatives and close ones. It is a glorious and colorful festival where people bond and enjoy. Water balloons and pumps are also used to splash people with water. It is a trend that getting wet is also a celebration. Many are soaking wet in the colored water and as hours pass by, it appears as though it is just the beginning of the day. Holi festival in Nepal has greater influence in the Terai and Hilly regions. But the trend to celebrate Holi is also being popular among non-Hindus.
People who come to visit Nepal at this time of the year are also seen busy in the streets enjoying the festival to its fullest extent. The festival of color is cherished by foreigners and locals alike.
Playing with colors and splashing people with water isn’t the only way the festival is celebrated. People love to sing and dance, drink to their heart’s extent, and enjoy the night with bonfires. People gather firewood and sit around it, gossiping and eating. Alcohol and hemp are also common in such activities. The cities of the entire Kathmandu valley are immersed in the festive atmosphere. It is a festival of joy and bonding. It can build up brotherhood, friendship, love, closeness and helps remove quarrels, bitterness, enmity, and hatred. This is the true essence of the festival Holi.
The bad aspects of Holi are the mindset and activities of people themselves. While many take it as a time to wind back and relax there are some with bad ideas. Troubling the strangers and passersby throwing water balloons or colors before the day of the festival, using colorings that are hard to cast off and unsafe for skin and health, using this chance to take revenge by using dirty water or chemicals, etc are some evils of the festival.
Some people also use strong colors that do more harm than good and creates quarrels. Pollution due to the massive use of plastic water balloons is also prevalent. People don’t clean up after celebrating and that creates massive pollution. Accidents and deaths due to the festivals are also commonly heard. It is our responsibility to clean up after we make a mess and play the festival safely and responsibly. This way we don’t ruin the true charm of the festival.